What will I actually be doing?
You’ll help us promote Flatpack inside your hall by handing out exciting giveaway entries, product discounts, & info how Flatpack helps students go flatting! You'll be talking to lots of people and also helping us run promotional events on campus
How does the pay work?
You will be paid once a week throughout the semester for tasks that you complete. The more you effort you put in, the more you are paid!
Then at the end of the semester you will receive a bonus for how many people in your hall order their bed for their flat!
Note - if you would like to know more, please click here to DM us on Instagram
What are the dates I will be working?
Firstly, all the work is all done around your schedule! The exact dates of the role are from the 9th Aug - 30 Sept (excluding sem break)
Does it matter what I study?
Nope! As long as you enjoy socialising, chatting to people, and helping other students, then this role is for you!